In the last few years, Instagram has topped the list of social medial startup brands. That is because of its significant engagement rates and large follower accounts. 

Many businesses now use Instagram to drive traffic and sales. Whether it’s selling a writing service or a money savings app, any new business can create an account on Instagram.

Since high traffic can convert to conversion and eventually sales, new startups have found an avenue to reach consumers effortlessly.

It’s simple: all that you need is to optimize your social media posts with photos and videos that end up creating unique marketing messages for your brand. 

Astounding growth

The growth of Instagram has been astounding. In 2013, Instagram had only 90 million users, but in 2018, these grew to 800 million active users. 

In June 2019, Instagram hit 1 billion monthly users. It has primarily roped in the youth. 

Here are 10 Instagram business account tips for new startups:

1. Create a powerful business profile

It takes seconds for a consumer to form an opinion on your brand online. That means it’s crucially important to make that tremendous first-time impression with a compelling bio and introduction.

When people click on your profile, ‘they’re likely to see your image. Once they decide to follow you, they get a chance to go through what you have on offer.

Instagram Feed

2. Make catchy videos

Instagram is powerless in the absence of video content. And consumers know that video marketing remains a powerful marketing tool. 

So if you’re looking to generate leads to promote your startup, you must make popular videos since research is already convincing that in 2019 alone, the video will rule online content.

3. Create a solid theme

Ensure to give you profile on Instagram a consistent idea. ‘You’re more likely to attract followers if you have a specific topic to showcase. 

Don’t just aim for likes or followers; you can also tell a compelling story about your brand.

4. Sell products

Begin selling your products as Instagram goods. Here are five steps to sell products via Instagram:

  • Create a business profile
  • Create a hashtag
  • Start running your ads
  • Use Instagram shopping to move physical products
  • Partner with influencers

5. Go Live on Instagram

Going live on Instagram is a powerful feature. Going live enables you to interact with your audience and give your brand a human touch. Your brand gets an opportunity to express its message in a candid and relatable light.

6. Post Consistently

Posting consistently helps your target audience to learn when to expect new material from you, and this enables you to maximize engagement without pausing or long stretches without updates. Posting an average of 1.5 posts daily is a good idea.

7. Keep a List of Your Most Successful Posts

While on Instagram, it’s essential to assess what’s working and what’s not working by keeping a list of your most successful posts. Here’s how:

  • Check which posts are getting the most likes.
  • The most comments on your content
  • How the number of posts can influence your engagement

Instagram has its tools to analyze a business, and they can be used to spot some trends. Popular searches include; most popular; most likes; and comments. Timeframes are 7, 30, or 90 days. 

That is a great way to keep an eye on trends and what performing and what is not.

Instagram Hacks

8. Respond to Comments

One great way to build a community on Instagram is by responding to comments. If someone takes the time to share their thoughts with you, make sure you reply to them and show that ‘you’re listening.

Listening and responding to your followers is a great way to encourage positive word of mouth and create new brand ambassadors.

9. Run Contests

If you’re looking to boost engagement and build evangelism among your followers, then running contests is a good idea. If done correctly and effectively, competitions can have many benefits to your brand, such as:

  • Increased awareness
  • Create brand evangelists and builds an active community
  • Creates incentives to your followers

10. Create Catchy Ads

Instagram offers you a fantastic platform to advertise your products or service creatively. Create memorable ads and upload them where millions of your followers are likely to see them. You can hire an expert Instagram ads creator to help you do this.


Instagram is the go-to place for over 1 billion people to share videos, photos, and stories every single day. And is its popularity continues to grow, this has left many startups and entrepreneurs with one obvious and important question: How Can I Use Instagram to Grow?